About Us

West Linton Early Learners and Westies! is a parent-run registered charity, a member of  Early Years Scotland and is in partnership with Scottish Borders Council. We are registered and inspected by HM Inspectorate of Education and the Care Inspectorate.

The Care Inspectorate have rated us as “5 – Very Good” since 2011, meaning we demonstrate major strengths in supporting positive outcomes for people. See our most recent report for further detail.

West Linton Early Learners is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)SC012258.

The Team

West Linton Early Learners and Westies! is managed by Carrie-Ann Neil.

All our staff are qualified or are working towards a qualification and have experience in working with young children. They also hold a PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) check for working with young children and have first aid training.  It is a priority for staff to keep up to date with child-care training and relevant qualifications.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is very much a part of Early Learners and Westies!.  We welcome and encourage parents and carers to come and join us during sessions (siblings also welcome!), to help out, or just to join in the fun and be involved in your children’s learning and development.  There is also always a need for parental involvement on the committee or at fundraising events to help Early Learners and Westies! remain active and we hope that you will take the opportunity to be involved.


We believe that the safety, health and wellbeing of the children we care for, the staff and parents should be and is our highest priority. Therefore, we have implemented additional and robust hygiene measures in line with the current advice from Health Protection Scotland, Scottish Government. Should you need them, a copy of our risk assessment and hygiene measures can be requested from Carrie-Ann Neil.


Fiona, Practitioner


Carrie-Ann, Manager

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